Hey there! 👋 I'm Tim.
I created IBMastery about 10 years ago and I still do most of the work around here --creating new resources, tutoring and leading training sessions for teachers. So, if there's something you need, I'm probably the guy you're looking for.
Thanks for taking the time to reach out (even if it's just to ask a favour). 🙂
I'd be very happy to answer a question for you or hear if there's some way I could help.
Just fill in the form here and I'll respond via email (normally the same day).Â
If you'd like to, you can also find me on LinkedIn, but I'm much more likely to see and reply to your message if you send it via this form.
You can type your message in this form. When you're done, just click "Send" and I will get it as an email.